Welcome to Egypt! Wait, you haven't bought your ticket yet? What are you waiting for? It’s time to travel to King Tut’s hometown!
From the pyramids of Giza to the Great Sphinx, here are the top 5 reasons why Egypt is the best place to travel for history lovers.
Yalla! That’s Arabic for let’s go!
1. The Sphinx
The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of Egypt’s grandest mysteries. Pronounced Sffinks, not Spinks, the massive limestone statue of a lion’s body and the head of (some say) King Khafre, inspires delicious awe and wonder.
It likely dates from around 2500 BC, and some say it served a celestial purpose - to resurrect the pharaoh's soul by channeling the sun’s rays.
With countless theories, the riddle of the Sphinx remains unsolved.
It’s also said that Prince Amenhotep took a nap near the Sphinx and had a dream that the mythical creature urged him to clear away the sand; if he did, he would become pharaoh.
The prince indeed became pharaoh and consequently initiated a Sphinx worshipping cult which became a royal symbol. There are no inscriptions to explain the presence of one of the most famous structures in the world. The riddle lives on!
2. Artistry & architecture
The artistry of ancient Egypt captivates all who cast their eyes upon such vibrant, magical, and lavish creations. You may not be able to read the hieroglyphs or understand the entire history of Egypt, but it still captivates you.
The Great Pyramid of Giza speaks to the part of us that wants to live for eternity and be resurrected to the heavens.
Ramesses the Great built a temple for his beloved Nefertari at Abu Simbel and elevated her status to equal the pharaoh himself. He loved her so passionately that he ordered her likeness to be the same height as his, alluding to total equality by ancient standards.
Egyptians mastered the art of communing with their gods by building temples and obelisks in hopes of gaining favor and eternal life. They left a detailed history for us to explore on their temple walls - ancient hopes, dreams, and prayers to the gods.
We can't talk about ancient Egypt and not talk about mummies.
Ancient Egyptians believed the body must be preserved for the afterlife, and mummification is how they did it. It’s the reason we have kings and queens so well-preserved.
We know what they ate, how they died, what color their hair was, and what they were wearing. The mummification process took 70 days, during which the body was embalmed and the organs removed, except the heart, which was considered the center of intelligence and feeling.
Gods and Goddesses of the Nile
There’s a reason Isis, the goddess of love, motherhood, magic, death & rebirth, was still worshipped 200 years after Christianity took over.
What she symbolized resonated on a universal scale.
Each deity had a special function in Egyptian society. They were the personification of man, beast, and magic on Earth.
Nut, the sky goddess, swallowed the sun (Ra) every night as he traveled through her and gave birth to him every morning.
Ma’at was the goddess of justice, truth, and order; she helped play a significant role in the universe's balance. She was vital to Egyptian society in maintaining order.
The gods and goddesses of Egypt tell the story of how the ancients lived their daily lives.
King Tutankhamun
The discovery of the boy-king’s tomb by Howard Carter is the greatest archaeological discovery in modern times. The innermost coffin is made of solid gold, preserved for 3,300 years, with over 5,000 treasures, including jewelry, weapons, furniture, clothes, chariots, and throne chairs.
It took 10 years to catalog the items from the tomb of Tutankhamun. It’s the only undisturbed royal tomb of its kind.
Carter wrote of his first look inside the tomb:
At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold—everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment—an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by—I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, 'Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.
Egypt, a portal to antiquity
Legacy was a primary instinct in ancient Egypt, something we can all relate to.
Egypt gives you a close-up experience of what the ancients built, what they cared about, and how they lived.
Book your ticket if you are searching for stunning tombs, temples, and pyramids.
Egypt will ignite your soul for adventure, mystery, and pharaohs, and the Egyptian people will steal your heart.
You may not return, but you will never forget your time in the land of the pharaohs.
If you're ready to book your trip check out this article on the pros & cons of booking a tour or navigating on your own!
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